Tuesday, January 17, 2012

History of DCUO Project!

A few years ago, a YouTube user named CrappyCaptureDevice started a Youtube series where he delved into the history of Super Smash Brothers characters. I've been a pretty big fan of his for several years now, even offering assistance on a few things when he came to a forum I post on. For awhile, I've wanted to do a similar history project for something comic related, either DCUO or Brave and the Bold.

I've decided to start a similar, albeit non-video, history project about DC Universe Online. It should come as no surprise to anyone who has played much of DCUO that the game is chock full of easter eggs, mythology gags and just outright references to the 72 years of DC history. So, without adieu, let's start, shall we?

1 comment:

John aka Andeimos said...

Sounds great! I hope more people join and help you.